Consequence *2 Sam. 12:13

2 Samuel 12:13;NIV
To every action there is a reaction. Every choice we make has a consequence whether good or bad. The choices we make will determine the outcome.
David abused his God-given authority as king, leader, and ruler of Israel. God had given David everything, wealth, health, fame, victory, and power. David lacked nothing. He loved God and honored God’s Word, yet he fell into sin because he gave into temptation. This one sin gave way to breaking several of the Ten Commandments. Lost in sin, David was far from repentance until God sent a prophet to him. Then his eyes were opened and he was sorry for all he had done. God, in His mercy, told David that He took his sins away. God forgave David and washed him clean, but told David he would have to suffer the consequence of his actions.
One good thing seen here is that God forgives sin and removes the stain of sin from our lives. Another good thing is that David was lost in sin and had no plans of repenting. God, in His faithfulness, made David aware of his sin. As a result, David turned back to God; no longer walking away from Him, hence his relationship with God was restored.
Thank you God for Your mercy and grace. Thank you for Your faithfulness and for the forgiveness of sin. Help us to make the right choices and good decisions in our lives that will bring us closer to You. In Jesus Name. Amen.

All I Want

Lord, all I want to do
is spend my time with You.
I want to read Your Word,
then speak it so it’s heard.
Poems I want to write,
which are filled with insight
From You they would stem,
then I would share them.
I want my connection with You tight,
through it, many would see the light.
May they repent and turn to You,
I pray this is what they’ll do.
Then the Bible they would read
and scatter their new found seed.

Our Relationship *2 Sam. 11-12

2 Samuel 11-12;NIV
David was suppose to be with his men, but sent someone in his place instead. He was not where he was suppose to be. He was relaxing at home instead of working. Because David was not where he should have been, he fell into sin. Not just one sin, but many – one right after another.
When we are not where we are suppose to be, we are opening ourselves up to potential sin. Our eyes, ears, mouth, and senses have greater opportunity to give into temptations. When we sin, it puts a strain on our relationship with God. The more we sin, the more we walk away from God. God is not the One to move; we are the ones who choose what we want to do, how we want to do it, where and when we want to do it. We are the ones making the decision to walk with God or away from God.
In order to avoid unnecessary sin, it is advisable to be where you are suppose to be: doing what you should be doing.
It’s like David taking a sick day. He had no business staying home. He should have been leading his men. Lust in his mind gave way to lust of the eyes, which gave way to lust of the flesh. Sin. Sin. Sin. Then more sins follow: the sin of coveting, deception, lying, adultery, abuse of his power and authority, murder, cover up, fear, and worry. All this sin: one sin led to another and then to another, and another, and on it goes. Sin damages our relationship with God.
David was so into what he was doing that he didn’t even realize that he had walked away from God. Thanks be to God’s faithfulness and forgiveness. God intervened and showed David the damage he’d done. There was a consequence David had to pay, but God forgave him when he repented. Then God restored David back to where he belonged. The break in his relationship had been mended. This is a good lesson for us to pay attention too, so that we don’t fall into the same traps as David.


It is never too late
So do not hesitate
To participate
What is meant
By the word Lent
I’ll use my rhyme
To explain this time
Lent is a special season
Which has a specific reason
It is a time to perch
And do an inner soul search
Ask the Lord to let you know
What in your life has to go
It is a time to purge
So your spirit can surge
It is a time to fast
40 days it should last
To offer up a good sacrifice
Something meaningful will suffice
Resisting temptation’s urge
Trusting in God you will emerge
Listen to the Word told
Take truth and grab hold
Spend more time each day
To the Lord listen and pray
A time to come closer to God
Giving Him all honor and laud
A Lent devotional is good
Do this you could
There are many around
A good one can be found
If you stay faithful and true
It will be good for you
The whole focus
Is on Christ Jesus
And to follow Him
Not giving way to sin
Staying focused on course
Will lead to no remorse
Lent I’ve explained how
So why not come now
It ends on April one
Resurrection Day of the Son
The time is to consent
Of how your time is spent
This season is Lent
A time to turn and repent
This message is now sent


Lord, make my connection tight,
as You fill me with insight.
In You I am strong,
how can I go wrong!
I cannot,
for You I’ve sought.
To You I aspire,
as You lift me higher.
I will do as You’ve said,
Your way I will not dread.
For You are my joy and hope,
You empower me to cope.
I will have a good attitude,
filled with much gratitude.
You will steady my feet,
daily as I meet
what lies ahead
for to You I’ve wed.