Sabbath *Neh.10

The Sabbath day is the 7th day of the week. Six days you shall labor and do your work, but the 7th day is a Sabbath day. On it you shall not do any kind of work or make other work. It is a day of rest to spend with the Lord your God and family. When you honor God’s Word, God honors you.
*no buying or selling on the Sabbath
*no buying or selling on Biblical Holy Days
*give to support church/temple – 10% tithe of income and a yearly offering
*do not neglect the house of the God.
*support by observing the ordinances God gave to His people
*pray for: leaders, workers, people, children, ministries, and programs
8 “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. (Ex. 20:8-11)

Love & Compassion *Neh. 9:26-27, 33

How awesome is God!!! Only YHWH, the one true God is God. He is full of love and compassion for His people. He has a holy standard that must be adhered too. When it is not kept, He is very patient and merciful. Year after year, He gives His people warnings after warnings to change and turn back to Him.
Finally, God says enough and withholds His hand of blessing and protection. The people then suffer grave consequences. Then after a time they repent. God hears their desperate cries for help and rescues them even when they deserved it not.
In all that has happened to us, You (God) have remained righteous; You have acted faithfully, while we acted wickedly. (vs. 33)
What a gracious, kind, loving, compassionate, faithful God. Why not thank Him now for this.

Community *Neh. 9:1-38

It was a great day of community repentance. One fourth of the day is about 3 hours, so for 3 hours the people stood and listened to God’s Word. The next 3 hours were spent confessing their sins and worshiping God.
When the public prayer was spoken all the people stood in the presence of the Lord their God as a form of showing respect. (I suggest you read the prayer) The prayer begins with praise and adoration acknowledging His Name, who YHWH is then moves to remembering what He has done in the past – His promises and His faithfulness to His Word even though His people were not faithful, rebelled, and were disobedient. God blessed His people with provision and protection. What a gracious, forgiving and loving God He is.

Satisfaction *Neh. 8:13-18

On the first day of the seventh month, all the people spent all morning from daybreak to noon listening to God’s Word. That afternoon they celebrated with great joy because now they understood God’s Word, which was made known to them. (Neh. 8:1-7) Now, on the second day, the heads of each family met with Ezra, the Scribe, to put into action what they heard the day before. When they began to follow God’s Word, the whole community celebrated and there was great joy amongst them.
Many people think it’s a burden to follow God’s Word. All they see is what they can’t do. They see God’s Word as “obey”, or no fun; can’t do anything good. This kind of thinking is a plain and simple lie straight from the devil.
Doing what God requires brings satisfaction, purpose in life, peace of mind, peace in heart, and joy. “Obeying” God’s Word brings us into His Presence where blessings flow. There will always be struggles and hardships because we live in a sinful world, however Jesus said, “It’s how you go through life.” His peace and joy we can have no matter what we go through in life. You can have His peace and joy if Jesus is Lord of your life. Very simple. Repent of your sins and ask Jesus for forgiveness and to make Himself known to you. Jesus will and then you will have purpose and direction, healing, peace, joy, etc. as you follow Him. With Jesus all things are possible.

One Accord *Neh. 8:7-12

God’s people gathered together to hear the Word of God. Men and women were in one accord listening intently with a prostrate heart before YHWH. They were so excited to hear the Book of the Torah. They stood in reverence for 5-7 hours just to hear God’s Word. As the people listened intently their hearts were convicted of the sins they had committed before the Lord their God. They were so grieved in spirit and heart that they wept and mourned as they listened. Grievous were their sins.
With repentance comes forgiveness, a cleansing, healing, joy and peace. The people were grieve over their own sins and the sins committed by their community that they were told several times, “This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn nor weep.” For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the Law.” Then the people were told, “Be still, for this is a holy day. Do not grieve.”
When repenting from sin before God – forgiveness, cleansing, healing, and joy take place. It is now time to celebrate the goodness of God. “Then all the people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.”
Note: The people had great joy because they had heard the Torah and understood what the Holy Scriptures meant. Thus, they could live by God’s Word.
God is the same always, so these truths hold true for us. If we go to God and seek Him, listen to His Word, He will reveal our sin, so we can repent – He can forgive and cleanse us. Then God wants us to think about His goodness and celebrate our liberation with joy and peace. Only YHWH could/can do this- for it is He who gives His people joy and peace internally. I’m not talking about external joy. Only He, who is, can do this. Mighty and glorious is He. Praise the Name YHWH!

Unity * Neh. 8:1-7

Respect, honor, reverence in the presence of God Almighty. (This is so lacking in the Christian church today – to our shame) Do we respect God, His holy Name, the Holy Bible, and the things of God? How our lives would change if we would show reverence – individually and corporately.)
The first thing I’d like to note is that all the men and women met together in unity; as one voice. They all were on time to meet with God. No one put anything above or ahead of the importance of meeting with God. (Again, lacking in the Christian church today – to our shame) People go to church late and disrupt those around them, because they are late and the service has already started. And where is their focus? Are they truly there to meet with God or are they just putting their time in? What about those who leave early? Is God top priority in their lives?
Question to ponder: What are my thoughts and attitudes? Do I revere God, His Name, His Word, His house of worship?
If you were going to a job interview, what would your mind be on? What would you be wearing? Most importantly, would you be on time for the interview because you want the job. How much more important is God Almighty than anything else. We need the fear of YHWH in us all! As the Holy Scriptures states in Proverbs – The fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom.
As Ezra was opening the Holy Scriptures, the Torah, all the people stood up as an outward form of respect. When Ezra began praising God, what did the people do? They, in one accord, raised their hands in reverence and responded with excitement, “Amen! Amen!” (Amen = I agree) The reverence for God did not stop there. The people (not a few, but all) then “bowed down and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground.” They prostrated themselves before God. How many times have you done this? Have you ever done this? Have you ever seen anyone else do this as an outward act of reverence? Where is the focus? What is the attitude? What are they doing? All this is a total submission to YHWH, the Creator of heavens and earth and everything in them.
A few key points:
*people unified- came together at the same time with same purpose
*stood for reading of Holy Scriptures – outward honor
*lifted hands to God in reverence
*excitedly responded Amen! Amen! when praising God
*prostrate during worship = humble before God and totally submitted
*listened intently to Scripture and Its meaning for hours
* They were hungry for the Word of God and ate and ate and then were spiritually nourished.

Every Time *Neh. 6:8-14

Every time Nehemiah faced a struggle or opposition he prayed to the God of Israel. He knows from where his help comes from. We too, like Nehemiah, can pray for help and guidance before and during any kind of struggle or opposition.
His neighbors were trying to frustrate and stop the good work that was being done. However, every time Nehemiah would dismiss their lies and prayed about each situation that would arise. Because Nehemiah trusted totally in the Lord God, he was able to discern when he was being lied too – a gift of discernment from God.
Like Nehemiah, we can have an intimate relationship with the Most High God by spending time with Him and seeking His face. He alone is God; the God of love, mercy, and grace. Those who seek the Him will not be disappointed.

Nehemiah’s Prayer *Neh. 1:4-11

Nehemiah 1:4-11;NIV
I love the prayers in Scripture. They are awesomely powerful. They usually start with acknowledging who God is and His greatness. They usually have intercession on behalf of the whole community and repentance. The one who prays includes one’s self; not saying “they”, but we have sinned. The prayer asks God to hear the prayer and respond to the request made.
The parts of this specific prayer are:
• Acknowledge who God is & His greatness
• Ask God to hear the prayer
• Confession of sin of community and self
• Remind God of His promise
• Intercession on behalf of God’s people
• Personal request
Nehemiah’s prayer was heartfelt. It was short and to the point. He didn’t use fancy words or lengthy statements God heard his plea and answered him with a yes.
Note: Days before Nehemiah prayed this prayer he wept, fasted and prayed.
We can learn from Nehemiah’s prayer. Praying Scripture is not only powerful and effective, but fun to do. Just change names and places. Then insert name & place; adjusting the prayer to make sense when you pray it. Here’s an example:
“LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant of love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, 6 let Your ear be attentive and Your eyes open to hear the prayer Your servant is praying before You day and night for Your servants, THE CHURCH or THIS COUNTRY. I confess the sins we, THE CHURCH or THIS COUNTRY, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against You. 7 We have acted very wickedly toward You. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws You gave your servant Moses. AND WE HAVE NOT FOLLOWED JESUS, BUT GONE OUR OWN WAY.

Hard Road* Neh. 1:1-3

Nehemiah 1:1-3;NIV
The word Nehemiah received was that people were in great trouble and disgraced. And why was this? These are God’s chosen ones. Shouldn’t they be living blessed lives – in the land flowing of milk and honey? They should be, but they weren’t. Why was this? It’s because they turned away from God; doing their own thing – doing what was right in their own eyes, and turning their back to the Word of God. Scripture says, “We reap what we sow.”
It was a hard road back, but God, in His faithfulness never gives up on His people. For every action, whether good or bad, there is a consequence. Now, God’s people are reaping what was sown. But God, in His mercy, is leading them into repentance. God moves in the hearts of man in order that His promises to His people will come to pass. It is all God. What a gracious God we serve.
When we turn to God, God will do amazing things in our lives and the lives of those around us. We just need to repent – ask God’s forgiveness and sin no more.