Disaster Struck *1 Sam. 29-30

1 Samuel 29-30
Disaster struck. David’s camp was destroyed. Their wives and children were stolen along with all their possessions. His army wanted to stone him. They had lost their faith and hope in his leadership.
“BUT David found strength in the Lord.” He inquired of the Lord for the next step as of what to do. God gave him direction.
So, when we seem to have lost those things and the people we hold dear, turn immediately to the Lord God and He will show you what to do. If you seek Him, He will answer you and direct you in the way that will bring relief and blessings.
Sometimes God allows these terrible times to come into our lives to test us; to see what we are really made of, to see if we truly trust God or not, to see what we will do when all odds are against us. God is faithful! He will not let you be tempted beyond your own strength. He is faithful and just. By allowing the impossible in our lives God can make Himself known, which will bring us into a better relationship with Him if we choose to trust Him. Always remember: God is for us and not against us. Nothing, absolutely nothing can stand up against God. Hallelujah!!!

Aren’t What They Seem *1 Sam. 26

1 Samuel 26
David could’ve killed King Saul and all his problems would’ve been eliminated, but he chose to endure hardship and not harm the Lord’s anointed. David had to leave his homeland and live amongst the enemy. God allowed this because God had a higher purpose for David’s life. God had planned it. Sometimes God allows things in our lives and we will never know why until we meet Him face to face. What the enemy deems for harm, God will overpower it with good. A higher purpose; a higher calling, a higher level of commitment to God’s Word is necessary.
Lord, God of Israel, keep us from avenging our foes. Go before us and clear our way; as Your Word says in the Bible, “Vengeance is Mine,” says the Lord.


Avenge *1 Sam. 24:12-13

1 Samuel 24:12-13
From evil doers come evil deeds, so my hand will not touch you. If I act the same way as someone who harms another person I am no better than they are. I need to rise above it and trust God when He says, “Vengeance is Mine.”
vs. 12 “The Lord judge between you and me, and the Lord avenge the wrongs you have done to me.” The Lord will send someone into your life to keep you from making a grave mistake by avenging yourself. God is righteous in all He does and will not let the guilty go unpunished.
Lord, God of Israel, go before me and avenge my enemies. Keep my hands clean as I wait upon you to bring justice in my life. Fill me with hope and trust in You that You will make amends where I have been wronged by those who seek to harm me and rake havoc in my life. Thank You God! In Jesus Name. Amen

Loyalty *1 Sam. 19

1 Samuel 19
Loyalty can save someone’s life. Deception is death. Loyalty is life.
Be a good friend today.
Be loyal to what you say
and loyal in what you do.
It will go well with you
and bless others too.
With all else be through.
On this chew.
Loyalty is what to do
Be this way
Be loyal every day

Faith Triumphs *1 Sam. 17:32-51

1 Samuel 17:32-51
There are many lessons in this story of David and Goliath.
* faith triumphs over fear. (vs. 32)  * God uses the most unlikely to bring victory to His people (vs. 33 & 55)  * Not walking by sight; but by faith (vs. 37, 4-7, 33-36)  * Against all odds, God will give victory to the one who believes (vs. 51)  * One insignificant person can change the outcome for the good of the community (vs. 55-56)  * Facing fear; facing the giant (problem/situation) in life will extinguish it, and God gets the glory. (vs. 47)
* humility (being humble) and putting trust in God triumphs over pride (boastful and arrogant) (vs.43-44)  * Just be yourself; do not try to walk in another’s shoes. God made us all different and unique. God gives different gifts and abilities to each person. Trying to be like someone else is not a good fit and will not result in victory, but in defeat. (vs. 38-40)  * Pride cometh before a fall (vs.43-44)  *Remember, remember, remember what the Lord God has done for you in the past. (vs. 34-35)  * The battle is the Lord’s; it’s not by sword, spear, or actions but only by the Lord who saves. (vs. 47)
Lord, God of Israel, give us the faith, courage, and strength to face those who are in opposition to Your people. Go before us Lord and save Your people from the enemy’s tactics. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Encouraging *1 Sam.16:1-13

1 Samuel 16:1-13
How encouraging is this! God is not like man in that He looks at outward appearances. On the contrary, God is concerned about how we look on the inside. It’s not what is physically can be seen, but it’s what comes out of our mouths and actions; precisely our motives. God looks at our character. He looks at the heart and mind.
This is a very encouraging word for me. I don’t have to be popular, wealthy, good-looking, physically fit, highly intelligent, etc. No, God looks at our faith and trust in Him; our integrity.
Lord God help us, Your people to be a devout people of integrity. May the words of our lips; and meditations of our hearts find favor before You, our Rock and Redeemer. In Jesus Name. Amen.


Clear Instruction *1 Sam. 15

1 Samuel 15
Clear instructions were given. Saul purposely chose to disobey God. Then he tried to cover it up by making excuses. Finally, he admits the truth – that he feared men over following God’s instructions.
How many times have we made choices that were inspired by fear? How many times have we feared what people would think instead of fearing what God thinks.
Lord, God of Israel, keep us from fearing people over fearing You. Help us to do what is right before You and not let what people think, say, or do influence us in going against Your Word. Give us the faith and strength each one of us needs to walk by faith and not by sight, fear, worry, or anxiety. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Answered Prayer *1 Sam. 14:34

1 Samuel 14:34
When God does not answer prayer – why? Is there a sin? Is there a sin in the way of your hearing? Go before the Lord and ask Him. Sometimes, we are totally unaware of our wrong, foolish, or sinful words or actions.
As with King Saul; his foolish words and actions caused another to sin unknowingly. Then he himself sinned before the Lord by not following through with his vow to God. One foolish word/action led to another, and then another, and then another.
Lord, God of Israel, may we not be like Saul in his foolish decisions and choices, which lead him to say and do harmful things to those around him; who will reap repercussions from his words and deeds. Help us to make wise choices and good decisions for the good of those around us and for the glory of Your kingdom. Thank you Lord. In Jesus Name. Amen

Step Out *1 Sam. 14

1 Samuel 14
Step out in faith even when the odds are ridiculous. God sent panic into the enemy’s camp and they “melted away” in all directions. Panic and confusion filled the camp. So when “things” in your life look hopeless there is hope; when situations look impossible and there is no way out, God makes a way where there was no way. Only God can do this. This is an encouraging word for us.
I can do all things through Him (Jesus) who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13)
Thank you Lord that You truly are our hope and joy. And that all things are possible because You are above all, in all, and through all things. Be glorified in our lives. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Walking *1 Sam. 13

1 Samuel 13
Walk by faith and not by sight. If a person persists in sin and won’t change then they are choosing to walk away from God and they will perish. If you persistently rebel against God, then His hand will be against you. We do have free will and the choice is ours. God cannot be blamed for our poor choices and decisions.
Lord, God of Israel, soften our hearts so that we will not be in rebellion against You. Help us to make good decisions and good choices that will lead us in the way everlasting; that will lead us to You and not away from You. In Jesus Name. Amen.