
For the time being
poems will be sporadic.
Can’t say why
but by and by
you will see one
then there will be none
for a day or two.
Then one will come
for you to view.
Only for a time
my rhyme
entries will be
off and on
Sorry to say
this is the way
for the time being
Sporadic is the way
starting this day.

We Have Sinned

O Lord, we have sinned gravely in Your sight.
We have sinned with all our might.
We pay no attention to You,
In all we think, say, and do.

We turned away from Your Law,
Our sins are more than a flaw.
It is stated as a fact,
That You will now act.

Your hand against us You raise,
You have given us over to our craze.
We pay no attention to Your Word,
Even though it is constantly heard.

Your anger is before us,
And all we do is fuss.
All we want each and every day,
Is to have everything our very own way.

We are becoming a ruthless lot,
Because You, we have not sought.
Warning after warning from You has come,
We turn our heads and play dumb.

We want to go our own way,
From You, we sure did stray.
We need to stop this very day,
To You, we need to pray.

We need to repent of our sin,
It’s the only way we’ll win.
Our constant sins are such,
They are chronic and way too much.

Do not deliver us up to our evil,
There will be such an upheaval.
Our lives will surely change,
And our land will look strange.

Have mercy on us all,
For we are on the verge of a fall.
Turn our hearts and minds towards You,
In all we think, and say, and do.

May we be in one accord,
To say, “We need You, Lord.”
May we heed Your command,
Turn Your wrath from our land.

We will be in big trouble,
When our land turns to rubble.
We will not know what to think,
When there is no water to drink.

We will no longer think our ways sweet,
When there is no longer food to eat.
Hard times you say?
They are on their way.

They will be here before we know it,
And many will complain and throw a fit.
You just wait,
Hardship will be great.

Is there anything we can do?
There is something for you.
Pray. Pray. Pray.
Each and every day.

This nation will be spurned,
If from our sins, we have not turned.
Our thoughts are so perverse,
How can they get any worse!

From the truth we have strayed,
O how this nation has decayed.
In God our hope is found,
His love does abound.

You need to be aware,
So you can prepare,
For what lies ahead,
For there will be much dread.

If God is your life,
He will guard you in the strife,
Just trust in Him with all your heart,
Surrendering to Him is smart.

Passover (Exodus 2-12)

Pharaoh ordered Hebrew babies to slaughter,
but Moses was saved by Pharaoh’s daughter.
This Egyptian lady
raised this Hebrew baby.
Moses lived in the house of Pharaoh,
but Pharaoh did not know.
No one knew
as the child grew.
When Moses was full grown
his roots were made known.
Pharaoh had a conniption
for Moses killed an Egyptian.
Because Moses was a Hebrew,
that’s when anger grew.
Into the desert Moses fled,
shortly thereafter he did wed.
Later, on Mount Horeb a bush did burn.
This is where Moses did learn
about the call on his life.
He was to save Israel from strife.
God gave Moses a script,
he was the Deliverer in Egypt.
The God of Moses
to Pharaoh proposes;
Let the Hebrews go,
otherwise there will be woe.
The consequence was not vague;
on Egypt there would be a plague.
A plague on each day,
until Pharaoh said okay.
Back to Egypt Moses went,
for that’s where God had sent
Moses to confront Pharaoh
to say, “Let my people go.”
But Pharaoh said, “Absolutely No!
I will not let your people go.
Who is this God I do not know?
This Hebrew God,
I will not applaud.”
The instructions to Pharaoh were not vague.
If Hebrews weren’t free there’d be a plague.
Then Pharaoh gave this ridiculous order:
Hebrews to make the same amount of mortar,
only they would have to find straw
for bricks, which became the new law.
This could not be done.
It looked as though Pharaoh won.
“As My servant Moses has spoken,
your Egyptian bondage will be broken.
Do not fret.
Pharaoh will let
My people go.
This you need to know.”
Right from the start
God hardened Pharaoh’s heart,
so the Hebrews would know who God was through the mighty acts God does.
In Pharaoh’s court Moses stood in front,
then Pharaoh, Moses did confront.
God turned Moses’ staff into a snake,
but Pharaoh said, “Hebrews can’t take.”
Now comes plague number one,
turning water into blood was done.
Blood did defile
the river Nile.
Fish died and it did stink,
Egyptians could no longer drink.
Yet Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
With plague number two,
this is what God did do.
He ordered the frogs
to come and make clogs;
they were all over the place
and in every space.
But Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
Then came plague number three
by the hand of the Almighty.
Egypt had to pay a high price,
for now they were covered with lice.
Lice were on beast and men,
but even so, even then,
Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
With plague number four
flies God did pour
all over the land,
but He withheld His hand
from the land of Goshen
where there was no commotion.
The Hebrews were free of flies,
while cries in Egypt did arise.
Pharaoh still said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
Then came plague number five,
livestock did not survive.
In Egypt livestock had pestilence,
however in Goshen there was preference.
The Hebrew’s livestock was fine,
For God said, “These people are Mine.”
The plague was on Egypt’s livestock,
which caused Egyptian shock.
All their livestock left outside
from this plague died.
But, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
The sixth plague
was not vague.
God sent a plague of boils
on Egypt that spoils
the skin of animal and men,
but the Hebrews didn’t have them;
the Hebrews, God did protect
from boils which did deflect.
However, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
Then came plague number seven;
hail came from heaven.
Obeying God, Pharaoh failed,
so in Egypt it hailed.
It hailed hard and long
Pharaoh knew he did wrong.
But Pharaoh was an obstinate king,
so God sent hail ruining most everything.
Again, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
With plague number eight
everything the locust ate.
But again in Goshen
there was no commotion.
The locust did only yield
a great harvest in Egypt’s field.
Even so, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
Then came plague number nine
and darkness was the sign.
For three full days Egypt had no sun,
because of what Pharaoh had done.
Darkness was only where Egyptians were,
for in Goshen darkness did not occur.
Egypt was totally dark
still Pharaoh did remark,
“I will not let your people go,
because I, the great Pharaoh, said so!”
God’s mighty plan through Moses’ hand
was being accomplished throughout this land.
God allowed all plagues in order to proclaim
His power and might on earth in His Name.
Egypt thought their gods were vital.
Each plague represented an idol.
This is what caused Egypt to fall,
for the God of Moses is far above all.
Over the days God did display,
His mighty power to Egypt’s dismay.
The last plague on Egypt was number ten
this effected animals, women, and men.
Exactly at midnight the Lord did strike
Egypt’s firstborns and horror did spike.
Wailing was heard long into the night
from Egyptians caught in this fright.
All of Egypt did mourn
over the death of all their firstborn.
Jews were safe when the death angel came,
because they put blood on each doorframe.
Each Hebrew family shared a special meal, while with Egypt God did deal.
They had prepared a quick feast
of lamb, bitter herbs, bread without yeast.
When Pharaoh’s firstborn died
to Moses Pharaoh replied,
“Take your people and get out!
Egypt does not want any of you about.
Now in your God I believe,
take these slaves and leave.”
Israel had lived in Egypt 430 years
had toiled and cried many tears.
The Egyptians had equipped
the Hebrews leaving Egypt.
They gave clothing, silver, and gold;
all that the Jews could hold.
There was great joy in the air,
for God freed Israel from despair.
God is permanently faithful,
and the Hebrews were grateful.
From this day forward
Jews need to remember that horrid
Egyptian bondage as a slave,
and the plagues God gave
to set the Hebrews free,
to worship, and praise the Almighty.
Israel is to do this once a year
by celebrating Passover with cheer.
It is God all must fear
this was made quite clear.
This remembrance is not just for the Jew;
all should remember this – that’s me and you.
There is only one true God
to whom we all need to applaud.
He is the Lord, God Most High
this no one can deny.

Hanukkah Story

Way back in ancient time,
There was a heinous crime,
When Greece had taken the land.
It was by Antiochus IV’s hand,
The Temple was destroyed.
The horror he employed.
For he did choose,
To destroy the Jews.
This awful Syrian King,
Pagan ways he did bring.
He was just plain cruel,
In how he did rule.
He made such a mess.
The Jews were in distress.
The pagans did try to demolish
God’s Word, but it did not abolish.
Idol worship came about,
Pushing God’s way out.
No longer could Jew’s worship,
For the Temple they did strip.
Stolen was the silver and gold,
Much more could be told.
They desecrated the alter.
Wanting the Jews to falter.
The sacrifice of a pig,
On the alter was big!
Jews were kept from their holy tradition
Made to bow in dishonorable submission.
This was the most horrible situation!
Rituals were of a new formation.
This was the last straw,
What happened to God’s Law!
Then up rose a Maccabee,
To set the Jewish people free.
For now help was on the way,
The Maccabee leader did not delay.
The battle was hard and long.
These mighty men were strong.
They fought day and night.
They did not run in fright.
Eventually God’s people won.
The war was finally done.
There was no doubt,
What the next step was about.
The Temple was first on the list,
For it was surely missed.
In gathering a large crew,
They knew exactly what to do.
They began with sanctuary purification,
In order to have Temple rededication.
They did more than clean.
It looked so serene.
Then what did they find?
It needed to be shined.
The menorah was found,
Happiness did abound.
There was no hesitation,
For this Temple rededication.
The menorah was set on the table,
It was now standing quite stable.
At once oil was poured in.
Day one would now begin.
However, the big problem at hand,
Was not enough oil for the lampstand.
But the lamp did burn bright.
All through the night,
And into the next day,
The flame did not go away.
Much to their surprise,
The light did arise.
At the end of the eighth day,
More oil was brought their way.
A miracle was had,
God’s people were glad.
God did renew His people’s hope.
They were more than able to cope.
God’s people did rejoice.
Praise went up as one voice.
Able now to worship Almighty God,
With all glory, praise, and laud.
Faith was renewed in the land,
because of God’s mighty hand.
So now we remember,
This wonder in December.
Each and every year,
We think of God and cheer.
The Temple was cleansed and consecrated
With great joy this should be celebrated.
And yet,
Don’t forget.
The reason
For the season.
God has given,
a gift from heaven.


The brutality imposed,
is now being exposed.
The secret files of the Spanish Inquisition,
put the Jews in a horrid position.
Because their faith they didn’t deny,
many Jews were ordered to die.
The torture was brutal,
survival was futile.
In the name of Jesus our Lord,
many were put to the sword.
They weren’t following God’s Word;
what they were doing was absurd.
They were making their own rules,
They were following evil like fools.
Those in charge were the true heretics,
because they were acting like lunatics.
All that death and pain,
all done under Jesus’ name;
the horror of it all,
because of the church’s gall.
The evil one got in,
causing the church great sin.
Over this the church needs to repent,
seeking God is how time should be spent.


(Exodus 2-12)

Pharaoh ordered Hebrew babies to slaughter,
but Moses was saved by Pharaoh’s daughter.
This Egyptian lady
raised this Hebrew baby.
Moses lived in the house of Pharaoh,
but Pharaoh did not know.
No one knew
as the child grew.
When Moses was full grown
his roots were made known.
Pharaoh had a conniption
for Moses killed an Egyptian.
Because Moses was a Hebrew,
that’s when anger grew.
Into the desert Moses fled,
shortly thereafter he did wed.
Later, on Mount Horeb a bush did burn.
This is where Moses did learn
about the call on his life.
He was to save Israel from strife.
God gave Moses a script,
he was the Deliverer in Egypt.
The God of Moses
to Pharaoh proposes;
Let the Hebrews go,
otherwise there will be woe.
The consequence was not vague;
on Egypt there would be a plague.
A plague on each day,
until Pharaoh said okay.
Back to Egypt Moses went,
for that’s where God had sent
Moses to confront Pharaoh
to say, “Let my people go.”
But Pharaoh said, “Absolutely No!
I will not let your people go.
Who is this God I do not know?
This Hebrew God,
I will not applaud.”
The instructions to Pharaoh were not vague.
If Hebrews weren’t free there’d be a plague.
Then Pharaoh gave this ridiculous order:
Hebrews to make the same amount of mortar,
only they would have to find straw
for bricks, which became the new law.
This could not be done.
It looked as though Pharaoh won.
“As My servant Moses has spoken,
your Egyptian bondage will be broken.
Do not fret.
Pharaoh will let
My people go.
This you need to know.”
Right from the start
God hardened Pharaoh’s heart,
so the Hebrews would know who God was through the mighty acts God does.
In Pharaoh’s court Moses stood in front,
then Pharaoh, Moses did confront.
God turned Moses’ staff into a snake,
but Pharaoh said, “Hebrews can’t take.”
Now comes plague number one,
turning water into blood was done.
Blood did defile
the river Nile.
Fish died and it did stink,
Egyptians could no longer drink.
Yet Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
With plague number two,
this is what God did do.
He ordered the frogs
to come and make clogs;
they were all over the place
and in every space.
But Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
Then came plague number three
by the hand of the Almighty.
Egypt had to pay a high price,
for now they were covered with lice.
Lice were on beast and men,
but even so, even then,
Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
With plague number four
flies God did pour
all over the land,
but He withheld His hand
from the land of Goshen
where there was no commotion.
The Hebrews were free of flies,
while cries in Egypt did arise.
Pharaoh still said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
Then came plague number five,
livestock did not survive.
In Egypt livestock had pestilence,
however in Goshen there was preference.
The Hebrew’s livestock was fine,
For God said, “These people are Mine.”
The plague was on Egypt’s livestock,
which caused Egyptian shock.
All their livestock left outside
from this plague died.
But, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
The sixth plague
was not vague.
God sent a plague of boils
on Egypt that spoils
the skin of animal and men,
but the Hebrews didn’t have them;
the Hebrews, God did protect
from boils which did deflect.
However, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
Then came plague number seven;
hail came from heaven.
Obeying God, Pharaoh failed,
so in Egypt it hailed.
It hailed hard and long
Pharaoh knew he did wrong.
But Pharaoh was an obstinate king,
so God sent hail ruining most everything.
Again, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
With plague number eight
everything the locust ate.
But again in Goshen
there was no commotion.
The locust did only yield
a great harvest in Egypt’s field.
Even so, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”
Then came plague number nine
and darkness was the sign.
For three full days Egypt had no sun,
because of what Pharaoh had done.
Darkness was only where Egyptians were,
for in Goshen darkness did not occur.
Egypt was totally dark
still Pharaoh did remark,
“I will not let your people go,
because I, the great Pharaoh, said so!”
God’s mighty plan through Moses’ hand
was being accomplished throughout this land.
God allowed all plagues in order to proclaim
His power and might on earth in His Name.
Egypt thought their gods were vital.
Each plague represented an idol.
This is what caused Egypt to fall,
for the God of Moses is far above all.
Over the days God did display,
His mighty power to Egypt’s dismay.
The last plague on Egypt was number ten
this effected animals, women, and men.
Exactly at midnight the Lord did strike
Egypt’s firstborns and horror did spike.
Wailing was heard long into the night
from Egyptians caught in this fright.
All of Egypt did mourn
over the death of all their firstborn.
Jews were safe when the death angel came,
because they put blood on each doorframe.
Each Hebrew family shared a special meal,
while with Egypt God did deal.
They had prepared a quick feast
of lamb, bitter herbs, bread without yeast.
When Pharaoh’s firstborn died
to Moses Pharaoh replied,
“Take your people and get out!
Egypt does not want any of you about.
Now in your God I believe,
take these slaves and leave.”
Israel had lived in Egypt 430 years
had toiled and cried many tears.
The Egyptians had equipped
the Hebrews leaving Egypt.
They gave clothing, silver, and gold;
all that the Jews could hold.
There was great joy in the air,
for God freed Israel from despair.
God is permanently faithful,
and the Hebrews were grateful.
From this day forward
Jews need to remember that horrid
Egyptian bondage as a slave,
and the plagues God gave
to set the Hebrews free,
to worship, and praise the Almighty.
Israel is to do this once a year
by celebrating Passover with cheer.
It is God all must fear
this was made quite clear.
This remembrance is not just for the Jew;
all should remember this – that’s me and you.
There is only one true God
to whom we all need to applaud.
He is the Lord, God Most High
this no one can deny.


It is never too late
So do not hesitate
To participate
What is meant
By the word Lent
I’ll use my rhyme
To explain this time
Lent is a special season
Which has a specific reason
It is a time to perch
And do an inner soul search
Ask the Lord to let you know
What in your life has to go
It is a time to purge
So your spirit can surge
It is a time to fast
40 days it should last
To offer up a good sacrifice
Something meaningful will suffice
Resisting temptation’s urge
Trusting in God you will emerge
Listen to the Word told
Take truth and grab hold
Spend more time each day
To the Lord listen and pray
A time to come closer to God
Giving Him all honor and laud
A Lent devotional is good
Do this you could
There are many around
A good one can be found
If you stay faithful and true
It will be good for you
The whole focus
Is on Christ Jesus
And to follow Him
Not giving way to sin
Staying focused on course
Will lead to no remorse
Lent I’ve explained how
So why not come now
It ends on April one
Resurrection Day of the Son
The time is to consent
Of how your time is spent
This season is Lent
A time to turn and repent
This message is now sent


When you partake in communion
you are forming a union
with Jesus Christ the Lord.
Between you it’s a cord
that no man can break
when communion you take.
First of all you must believe,
before he will allow you to receive.
Before you start
make sure your heart
has not one sin
then we can begin.
For a moment we will pause
We will do this because,
it is a chance to repent
the Spirit of God is present.
The reason for doing this
is so that we don’t miss
what the Lord has in store
to Him we’ve opened the door.
Now that this is done
communion has begun.
It is a time for every member
to reflect and remember
what Messiah Jesus did for us
and he did this without a fuss.
With bread and wine there is a reflection
of remembering his death and resurrection.
When Jesus lifted the bread
our gracious Lord said
thankful prayers
to God who cares.
Jesus broke the bread
to his disciples he said,
“Take and eat; this is my body.”
Come and eat everybody.
Then Jesus took the cup
to the Father he lifted it up.
His voice he did raise
to give thanks and praise.
“Drink from it, all of you.”
This is what we are to do.
This blood covenant Jesus made:
our forgiveness of sins Jesus paid.
So whenever we eat and drink
we must remember to think
about God’s only Son
and what he has done.
He came to earth for you and me
to set us completely free.
He came to fulfill
the Father’s will.
For our sins Jesus atoned,
his purpose was not postponed.
Again, when we eat and drink
we should remember to think
of what the Son
for us has done,
and give thanks to God
honor, glory, and laud.


I just wanted to note
Today is Sukkot
It’s the feast of Tabernacles
Let all that talks and crackles
Lift up their voice
It is a time to rejoice
In what the Mighty One
He has graciously done
He is continually faithful
Let’s show we are grateful
For the next 8 days
Lift up to Him praise
It is a time to enjoy
What God does employ
He has given us so much
His hand our lives touch
What a great God we serve
Praise & honor He does deserve
Do this we should
Focus on what is good
Thank Him for your life
Don’t focus on strife
Thank the God of Creation
For the gift of salvation
Life is so much more
Than wanting “things” galore
The things you cannot buy
Only come from Adonai (LORD)
So take some time each day
Let’s do it starting today
This 5th day in October begin
He will give you joy within

Let My People Go!

Let My People Go!
(Exodus 2-12)

Pharaoh ordered Hebrew babies to slaughter,
but Moses was saved by Pharaoh’s daughter.
This Egyptian lady
raised this Hebrew baby.
Moses lived in the house of Pharaoh,
but Pharaoh did not know.
No one knew
as the child grew.

When Moses was full grown
his roots were made known.
Pharaoh had a conniption
for Moses killed an Egyptian.
Because Moses was a Hebrew,
that’s when anger grew.
Into the desert Moses fled,
shortly thereafter he did wed.

Later, on Mount Horeb a bush did burn.
This is where Moses did learn
about the call on his life.
He was to save Israel from strife.
God gave Moses a script,
he was the Deliverer in Egypt.

The God of Moses
to Pharaoh proposes;
Let the Hebrews go,
otherwise there will be woe.
The consequence was not vague;
on Egypt there would be a plague.
A plague on each day,
until Pharaoh said okay.

Back to Egypt Moses went,
for that’s where God had sent
Moses to confront Pharaoh
to say, “Let my people go.”
But Pharaoh said, “Absolutely No!
I will not let your people go.
Who is this God I do not know?
This Hebrew God,
I will not applaud.”

The instructions to Pharaoh were not vague.
If Hebrews weren’t free there’d be a plague.
Then Pharaoh gave this ridiculous order:
Hebrews to make the same amount of mortar,
only they would have to find straw
for bricks, which became the new law.
This could not be done.
It looked as though Pharaoh won.

“As My servant Moses has spoken,
your Egyptian bondage will be broken.
Do not fret.
Pharaoh will let
My people go.
This you need to know.”

Right from the start
God hardened Pharaoh’s heart,
so the Hebrews would know who God was
through the mighty acts God does.

In Pharaoh’s court Moses stood in front,
then Pharaoh, Moses did confront.
God turned Moses’ staff into a snake,
but Pharaoh said, “Hebrews can’t take.”

Now comes plague number one,
turning water into blood was done.
Blood did defile
the river Nile.
Fish died and it did stink,
Egyptians could no longer drink.
Yet Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”

With plague number two,
this is what God did do.
He ordered the frogs
to come and make clogs;
they were all over the place
and in every space.
But Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”

Then came plague number three
by the hand of the Almighty.
Egypt had to pay a high price,
for now they were covered with lice.
Lice were on beast and men,
but even so, even then,
Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”

With plague number four
flies God did pour
all over the land,
but He withheld His hand
from the land of Goshen
where there was no commotion.
The Hebrews were free of flies,
while cries in Egypt did arise.
Pharaoh still said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”

Then came plague number five,
livestock did not survive.
In Egypt livestock had pestilence,
however in Goshen there was preference.
The Hebrew’s livestock was fine,
For God said, “These people are Mine.”
The plague was on Egypt’s livestock,
which caused Egyptian shock.
All their livestock left outside
from this plague died.
But, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”

The sixth plague
was not vague.
God sent a plague of boils
on Egypt that spoils
the skin of animal and men,
but the Hebrews didn’t have them;
the Hebrews, God did protect
from boils which did deflect.
However, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”

Then came plague number seven;
hail came from heaven.
Obeying God, Pharaoh failed,
so in Egypt it hailed.
It hailed hard and long
Pharaoh knew he did wrong.
But Pharaoh was an obstinate king,
so God sent hail ruining most everything.
Again, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”

With plague number eight
everything the locust ate.
But again in Goshen
there was no commotion.
The locust did only yield
a great harvest in Egypt’s field.
Even so, Pharaoh said, “No!
I will not let your people go!”

Then came plague number nine
and darkness was the sign.
For three full days Egypt had no sun,
because of what Pharaoh had done.
Darkness was only where Egyptians were,
for in Goshen darkness did not occur.
Egypt was totally dark
still Pharaoh did remark,
“I will not let your people go,
because I, the great Pharaoh, said so!”

God’s mighty plan through Moses’ hand
was being accomplished throughout this land.
God allowed all plagues in order to proclaim
His power and might on earth in His Name.
Egypt thought their gods were vital.
Each plague represented an idol.
This is what caused Egypt to fall,
for the God of Moses is far above all.
Over the days God did display,
His mighty power to Egypt’s dismay.

The last plague on Egypt was number ten
this effected animals, women, and men.
Exactly at midnight the Lord did strike
Egypt’s firstborns and horror did spike.
Wailing was heard long into the night
from Egyptians caught in this fright.
All of Egypt did mourn
over the death of all their firstborn.
Jews were safe when the death angel came,
because they put blood on each doorframe.
Each Hebrew family shared a special meal,
while with Egypt God did deal.

They had prepared a quick feast
of lamb, bitter herbs, bread without yeast.
When Pharaoh’s firstborn died
to Moses Pharaoh replied,
“Take your people and get out!
Egypt does not want any of you about.
Now in your God I believe,
take these slaves and leave.”
Israel had lived in Egypt 430 years
had toiled and cried many tears.
The Egyptians had equipped
the Hebrews leaving Egypt.
They gave clothing, silver, and gold;
all that the Jews could hold.
There was great joy in the air,
for God freed Israel from despair.
God is permanently faithful,
and the Hebrews were grateful.

From this day forward
Jews need to remember that horrid
Egyptian bondage as a slave,
and the plagues God gave
to set the Hebrews free,
to worship, and praise the Almighty.
Israel is to do this once a year
by celebrating Passover with cheer.
It is God all must fear
this was made quite clear.