
Sleep I went to take,
but I laid there awake.
So I decided to pray,
to begin this new day.

Lord, if there is something I should see,
please reveal it to me.
If there’s something I need to know,
reveal it and show.
Is there a need
that I must heed?

Again I want to thank you,
for everything You do.
You are so very good to me.
I love You, God Almighty.

Expectations * 2 Kings 5:1-16

God’s way is so much higher than our ways. We often limit God by our perspectives. Just because God did something one way does not mean He will do it that same way again.
Naaman took a step of faith in trusting that this Hebrew prophet of God, Elisha, would come out to meet him, call on the Name of his God, wave his hand over the spot, and cure him of leprosy. However, Naaman’s expectations were dashed when this did not take place. Elisha sent a servant out to meet him to tell him to wash seven times in the Jordan River and then Naaman’s flesh will be cleansed.
Receiving from God takes a step of faith. We have to let go of our expectations of how we think things should happen and step out in faith to receive God’s blessing.
Naaman almost lost out on being healed because of his expectations of how he thought God would heal him. Let us not be like that; let us be open to God’s way even if it sounds foreign, irregular, or even ridiculous. If it wasn’t for someone telling Naaman (why not do it because he had nothing to lose) he would have left an angry leprous man.
*watch out for expectation
*listen to good advice

Plainly See

I can plainly see,
the Lord is with me.
When I’m tossing to and fro
I’ll stand on what I know.
I found my block –
my mind’s bad talk.
It’s those awful doubts,
that continually shouts.
They continuously slam,
telling me how I am.
I eventually get tangled,
feeling I’m strangled.
But this is not the case,
for I walk in God’s grace.
I feel like I’m now free.
Praise be to God Almighty!

Reminder *Eph. 6:10-18

Put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-18
Be strong in the Lord. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Phil. 4:13)
*Take your stand.
*Stand your ground.
*Stand firm – hold steady; be planted in truth (there is only one truth = Holy Bible)
*Do everything to stand – do not waiver; be wishy-washy, vacillate. “Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Anything else comes from the evil one.” (Matt. 5:37)


Hold your head high
Says Adonai
Hold firm and steady
Be on guard and ready
No need to balk
Steady will be your walk
You have freedom in the land
Protected by His sovereign hand
This you need to know
He is with you wherever you go
So with your head held high
Give thanks and praise to Adonai