Kingdom of God *Matt. 11:20-24

John the Baptist was not the only one in the New Testament who preached repentance. Jesus also taught repentance.
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand. If you don’t know what is meant by “the Kingdom of Heaven or the Kingdom of God” I suggest you go directly to God and ask Him. Search the Scriptures. He will reveal to you what it means. It is better for you to go directly to Jesus and the Holy Scriptures than for me to tell you. You will truly be blessed.


Why do I worry so
for God does know.
It was God’s thought
that brought
me peace of mind.
I did find
and understood
just how good
all this was.
God surely does
know what I need
I don’t need to plead.
He is ALWAYS there
taking extra good care.
I wish I could forget
how to fret.
To stay in peace
would surely cease
the contrary thought
which is always for naught.
God knows what He’s doing
so I need to start chewing
on trusting in Him
and not give way to whim.
I must not let go
of the truth I know,
and when I’m not sure
He will send a cure.
On Him I will wait
He’s a sure date.
This truth I know
the Bible tells me so.

Always There

You are always there for me
this I can easily see
When feeling dead
You are the lifter of my head
Just acknowledge the One
and what He’s done
On Him, do call
That’s it, that’s all
He will not let me fall
even though it’s a long haul
Just trust in His Word
daily It should be heard
I did find
It saves my mind
It will steady your walk
plus enhance your talk
So, get up
with Him sup

Proclaim *Matt. 10

The overall message is to proclaim the Good News – Jesus Christ is Son of God and Saviour. Repent of your sins, follow Jesus and you will be saved. You will have eternal life in heaven with the Mighty One.
*Proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven is near
*By the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ Name heal sick, raise dead, cleanse leprosy, drive out demons
*give freely
*Do not worry about what you are to say or how to say it; the Holy Spirit will speak through you.
*People will hate you. Stand firm to the end.
*What Jesus tell at night, speak during the day
*Proclaim the Good News (about Jesus) to everyone
*Don’t be afraid of man or anyone; God knows all.
*Above all, love Jesus and follow Him


Be gone you stupid doubts!
I won’t give way to your bouts
I need to stop going back
focusing on my lack
That’s not what I should be doing
on Him I should be chewing
He is the bread of life
Be gone useless strife!
I’ll walk where He’s called
I will not be stalled
my head held high
He draws me nigh
No more stumbling around
with my face towards the ground
I am not bound
In Him, I am found
He gives release
In Him, there’s great peace
It is a must
In Him, to trust
He fills the needs
removing all weeds
We must not forget
nor give way to fret