Talents & Abilities *Ex.31:1-6

Exodus 31:1-6
God is a giver. All things come from God. Skills, talents, and abilities are gifts from God. We think we are so good at….. But, it is really God who gets the credit for what we have and what we are able to do/accomplish.
Jesus even told a parable about talents in the New Testament. Three men were given different amounts of talents. After some time, they had to give an account for what they were given. Two of the men used their talents wisely, however the third man just buried his talent in the ground – not using it at all. There are consequences for what we do with what God gives us, as seen in
Matthew 25:16-30
What has God given to you? What is your talent? If you know what it is, then are you using it for His glory? If you don’t know what your talent is or if you are unsure- Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7
God gives. God gave. God wants us to know Him and the gifts, talents, and abilities that He has given to each one of us.

Grateful Hearts

Lord, we come to You today
Our voices in one accord
Praising You for clearing the way
Grateful hearts say, “Thank you Lord.”

The sun is shining bright
There isn’t a raindrop in the sky
The vegetation is a pretty sight
We thank and praise You, Adonai

The air feels gentle and warm
There is no cause for alarm
On the horizon there is a storm
Our Lord will keep us from harm

Fill our hearts with love and joy
So we can bless those we meet
This fine day we will enjoy
Declaring this day will be sweet